What is Therapy?
Therapy involves a professional relationship that focuses on personal problems and is geared toward helping the individual to resolve feelings, thoughts, beliefs, problematic behaviors, as well as relationship issues. The therapeutic relationship greatly differs from friendships since therapists are able to maintain objectivity toward circumstances of the counselee. Unlike friends, therapists do not give specific advice or tell you what to do. Instead, they serve as skilled listeners who help you to clarify issues and deal effectively with obstacles that arise.
Whether in individual, couples, family, or group therapy, your communication with your therapist is confidential and focuses not only on the content of what you talk about, but also the process. The therapeutic process--how you communicate your feelings and life experiences--is considered as important as the specific concerns you address in therapy. Prior to beginning therapy, it may be helpful to understand some of the components associated with healthy therapy as well as to be able to recognize signs associated with less-than-healthy therapy. In addition to tailoring therapy to you and your experiences, good therapy will be conducted in an ethical manner, following guidelines established by various entities that are responsible for the oversight of clinicians.
The most common forms of therapy include individual, couples, family, and group therapy. Each mode is geared toward different circumstances that may be encountered through the lifespan and sometimes more than one modality is useful to an individual. For example, although engaging in couple’s therapy, each partner may also choose to undergo individual therapy. Family therapy may prove beneficial during transitionary periods such as divorce or loss and a family member may opt to also engage in group therapy. The length of time associated with therapy varies. Some problems lend themselves to a consultation or brief therapy. Others require a series of appointments, the length of which would be decided by you and your therapist.
Engaging in therapy can be a big step toward being the healthiest version of yourself and living the best life possible—no matter what challenges you may be facing.